Tuesday, September 26, 2006

response to Greg's GOD

ah interesting convo. ben is always good for food for thought/arguement.
you sound just like me a few months ago. i felt like i was missing out on something by not believing. i remember in sophomore year, gwenn berry said something in hines's english class that had to do with lord of the flies. even though that book is jam packed with biblical allusions, i didn't understand them at all. i couldn't just pinpoint one and be like..."OH! that's in the bible!! ahhhh!!"
others could.
i felt like by not having been brought up into a religious family hurt my capabillities to understand certain topics and see through to a deeper meaning in life/books/etc. i felt like that "holy" awareness would only add to the knowledge i had already acquired in my life. also, i felt like i owed it to myself to learn the stories of the bible or atleast find a religion that fit me. now, i think i have changed my outlook and am looking for a religion that i fit INTO. maybe it's reversed, actually, i'm not sure yet.
but i agree....i feel disconnected from some vast and global understanding that could potentially save us all? ...or break us.

for a while, and we talked about this before, i believed that love was the meanign of life. to live for someone else, with someone else, inside of someone else. love=GOD. that whole big idea, agape, yes...it all made sense. however, i'd never been in love. i still haven't been. and this is also something i am missing out on. and am sad about...boo. but i know that i'll happen. maybe this should be my outlook on finding a faith too.

but then you made that comment that maybe as we continue along this journey, we'll ultimatley figure out that maybe misunderstanding or understanding that you're better off not belonging is the truth. who knows. it's perfect then that we're takingthe first steps.

back tot hat lovething real quick.....read the ALCHEMIST. love as an obstacle. interesting idea. but wrong in its views twoards the other party in the relationship? the one waiting for you? and i think, atleast as long as i'm in my young, idealist state, that i disagree with you Greg and believe that love can be all that we want it to be and dream it to be. and i'll keep believing in that. and in love.

as for me now, I believein God. GOD = energy.

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